C Standard Library

C <wchar.h> - btowc() Function

The C <wchar.h> btowc() function widens a single-byte character c to its wide character equivalent only if (unsigned char)c is a valid single-byte character in the initial shift state, otherwise returns WEOF.


wint_t btowc (int c);          


c Specify the single-byte character to widen.

Return Value

Returns wide character representation of c if (unsigned char)c is a valid single-byte character in the initial shift state, otherwise returns WEOF. Returns WEOF if c is EOF.


The example below shows the usage of btowc() function.

#include <wchar.h>
void try_widen(unsigned char c) {
  //wint_t type is used to hold the character 
  //value of the wide character set
  wint_t wc = btowc(c);
  //WEOF is used to check whether the widening of 
  //character was successful or not
  if(wc != WEOF)
    wprintf(L"Single-byte character %#x widens to %#x\n", c, wc);
    wprintf(L"Single-byte character %#x failed to widen\n", c);

int main (){
  return 0;

The output of the above code will be:

Single-byte character 0x41 widens to 0x41
Single-byte character 0x9 widens to 0x9
Single-byte character 0xf9 failed to widen
Single-byte character 0xdf failed to widen

❮ C <wchar.h> Library