JavaScript Tutorial JavaScript References

JavaScript - Math.log() Method

The JavaScript Math.log() method returns the natural logarithm (base-e) of a given number.




x Specify the number.

Return Value

Returns the natural logarithm (base-e) of a given number.
If the x is negative, it returns NaN.
If the x is 0, it returns -Infinity.


In the example below, Math.log() method is used to calculate the natural logarithm (base-e) of a given number.

var txt;

txt = "Math.log(1) = " + Math.log(1) + "<br>";
txt = txt + "Math.log(Math.E) = " + Math.log(Math.E) + "<br>";
txt = txt + "Math.log(50) = " + Math.log(50) + "<br>";
txt = txt + "Math.log(0) = " + Math.log(0) + "<br>";
txt = txt + "Math.log(-1) = " + Math.log(-1) + "<br>";

The output (value of txt) after running above script will be:

Math.log(1) = 0
Math.log(Math.E) = 1
Math.log(50) = 3.912023005428146
Math.log(0) = -Infinity
Math.log(-1) = NaN

❮ JavaScript - Math Object