PHP Function Reference

PHP timezone_name_get() Function

The PHP timezone_name_get() function returns the name of the timezone. This function is an alias of DateTimeZone::getName() method.


//Object-oriented style
public DateTimeZone::getName()

//Procedural style


object Required. For procedural style only: A DateTimeZone object for which to get a name.

Return Value

Returns one of the timezone names in the list of timezones.

Example: using both styles

The example below shows the usage of timezone_name_get() function.

//creating a DateTimeZone object 
$tz1 = timezone_open("Europe/London");

//displaying the name of the timezone
//using Object-oriented style
echo "The timezone is: ".$tz1->getName()."\n";

//creating a DateTimeZone object
$tz2 = timezone_open("America/Chicago");

//displaying the name of the timezone
//using Procedural style
echo "The timezone is: ".timezone_name_get($tz2)."\n";

The output of the above code will be:

The timezone is: Europe/London
The timezone is: America/Chicago

❮ PHP Date and Time Reference