PHP Function Reference

PHP zip_read() Function

The PHP zip_read() function is used to read the next entry in a zip file archive.

Note: This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 8.0.0. The procedural API is deprecated and ZipArchive should be used instead.




zip Required. Specify a ZIP file previously opened with zip_open().

Return Value

Returns a directory entry resource for later use with the zip_entry_... functions, or false if there are no more entries to read, or an error code if an error occurred.

Example: getting all file names of an archive

Lets assume that we have a zip file called which contains the following files:


The example below describes how to get all file names of a given archive.

//opening the zip file
$zip = zip_open("");
if(is_resource($zip)) { 
  while($zipfiles = zip_read($zip)) { 
    $file_name = zip_entry_name($zipfiles);
    echo("File Name: $file_name \n");
  //closing the zip file
} else {
  echo 'Opening of the Zip file failed.';

The output of the above code will be:

File Name: example/test.txt
File Name: example/example.csv
File Name: example/image.png

❮ PHP Zip Reference