Square inches to Square feet Conversion


How to convert square inches to square feet

1 square inch is equal to 0.006944444 square feet:

1 in2 = (1/144) ft2 = 0.006944444 ft2

When an area A in square inches is divided by 144, it gives area in square feet.

Aft2 = Ain2 / 144


To convert 72 square inches into square feet, it is divided by 144:

(72 in2) / 144 = 0.5 ft2

Square inches

The square inch (plural square inches) is a unit of area. It is defined as the area of a square with sides of 1 inch. It is abbreviated sq. in, inch2, or in2.

Square feet

The square foot (plural square feet) is an imperial unit and U.S. customary unit of area. It is defined as the area of a square with sides of 1 foot. It is abbreviated sq. ft, sf, or ft2. It is also denoted by '2.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick square inch to square foot conversion table is given below:

Square inchesSquare feet
100 in20.694 ft2
200 in21.389 ft2
300 in22.083 ft2
400 in22.778 ft2
500 in23.472 ft2
600 in24.167 ft2
700 in24.861 ft2
800 in25.556 ft2
900 in26.25 ft2
1000 in26.944 ft2