Feet to Kilometers Conversion


How to convert feet to kilometers

1 foot is equal to 0.0003048 kilometers:

1 ft = 0.0003048 km

When a distance L in feet is multiplied by 0.0003048, it gives distance in kilometers.

Lkm = Lft × 0.0003048


To convert 2000 feet into kilometers, it is multiplied by 0.0003048:

(2000 ft) × 0.0003048 = 0.6096 km


The foot (plural feet) (abbreviation: ft or ) is a unit of length in the British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. It is equal to 13 yard or 12 inches. Its usage is widespread across the world as a measurement of height. Along with this, it is also used for the measurement of altitude in international aviation.


The kilometer is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one thousand meters. It is now the measurement unit used for expressing distances between geographical places on land in most of the world. It is equal to 1000 meters, 5280 feet, or 1760 yards. The SI symbol is km.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick foot to kilometer conversion table is given below:

100 ft0.0305 km
200 ft0.061 km
300 ft0.0914 km
400 ft0.1219 km
500 ft0.1524 km
600 ft0.1829 km
700 ft0.2134 km
800 ft0.2438 km
900 ft0.2743 km
1000 ft0.3048 km
3280.8399 ft1 km