Imperial gallons to Milliliters Conversion

imp gal

How to convert Imperial gallons to milliliters

1 Imperial gallon is equal to 4546.09 milliliters:

1 imp gal = 4546.09 ml

When a volume V in Imperial gallons is multiplied by 4546.09, it gives volume in milliliters.

Vml = Vimp gal × 4546.09


To convert 5 Imperial gallons into milliliters, it is multiplied by 4546.09:

(5 imp gal) × 4546.09 = 22730.45 ml

Imperial gallons

The Imperial gallon is defined as exactly 4.54609 liters (277.4194 cubic inches). There are four quarts in a gallon, the imperial pint is defined as 0.56826125 liters (i.e. 18 gallon) and there are 20 imperial fluid ounces in an imperial pint. The SI symbols is imp gal.


The millilitre (British English spelling) or milliliter (American English spelling) is a metric unit of volume. It is equal to 1 cubic centimeter (cm3), or 10-6 cubic metre (m3). The SI symbols is mL or ml.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick Imperial gallon to milliliter conversion table is given below:

Imperial gallonsMilliliters
0.1 imp gal454.609 ml
0.2 imp gal909.218 ml
0.3 imp gal1363.827 ml
0.4 imp gal1818.436 ml
0.5 imp gal2273.045 ml
0.6 imp gal2727.654 ml
0.7 imp gal3182.263 ml
0.8 imp gal3636.872 ml
0.9 imp gal4091.481 ml
1 imp gal4546.09 ml