C Standard Library

C <math.h> - frexp() Function

The C <math.h> frexp() function is used to break the floating point number x into its binary significand (a floating point with an absolute value in range [0.5, 1.0)) and an integral exponent for 2. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

x = significand * 2exponent

The exponent is stored in the object pointed by exp, and the function returns the significand. If x is zero, both significand and exponent are zero. If x is negative, the significand returned by the function is negative.


double frexp (double x, int* exp);
float frexpf (float x, int* exp);
long double frexpl (long double x, int* exp);


x Specify the value to be decomposed.
exp Specify the pointer to an int object to store the exponent.

Return Value

The binary significand of the x.


The example below shows the usage of frexp() function.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (){
  double x, sig;
  int y;
  x = 10;

  sig = frexp(x, &y);

  printf("Number: %lf\n", x);
  printf("Significand: %lf\n", sig);
  printf("Exponent: %i\n", y);

  return 0;

The output of the above code will be:

Number: 10.000000
Significand: 0.625000
Exponent: 4

❮ C <math.h> Library