C Standard Library

C <time.h> - tm structure type

The C <time.h> tm type is a structure holding a calendar date and time broken down into its components. The structure contains nine members of type int (in any order) as given below:

Member objectTypeDescription
tm_secintseconds after the minute - [0, 61] (until C99) and [0, 60] (since C99)
tm_minintminutes after the hour – [0, 59]
tm_hourinthours since midnight – [0, 23]
tm_mdayintday of the month – [1, 31]
tm_monintmonths since January – [0, 11]
tm_yearintyears since 1900
tm_wdayintdays since Sunday – [0, 6]
tm_ydayintdays since January 1 – [0, 365]
tm_isdstintDaylight Saving Time flag. The value is positive if DST is in effect, zero if not and negative if no information is available.


The example below shows the usage of tm type.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main (){
  struct tm start = {.tm_mday = 10};


  //displaying the time
  printf("%s", asctime(&start));

  return 0;

The output of the above code will be:

Wed Jan 10 00:00:00 1900

❮ C <time.h> Library