Excel Tutorial

Excel LOG10 Function

The Excel LOG10 function returns the base-10 logarithm of a given number.

The LOG10 function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Math/Trig Function. It can be used as a worksheet function in Excel. As a worksheet function, the LOG10 function can be used as part of a formula in a worksheet cell.




number Required. Specify a numerical value greater than 0 to get the base-10 logarithm of.

Return Value

Returns the base-10 logarithm of a value.


  • If the argument is a negative number, LOG10 returns #NUM! error.
  • If the argument is a non-numeric value, LOG10 returns #VALUE! error.

Example: Using as Worksheet Function

The example below shows how to use the LOG10 function as worksheet function.

Excel LOG10 function, returning base-10 logarithm of a value

Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the output of the following worksheet formula will be:

Result: -0.301029996

Result: 0

Result: 0.602059991

Result: 1

Result: 1.397940009

Result: 1.698970004

Result: 2

❮ Excel Functions