Java Utility Library

Java Arrays - toString() Method

The java.util.Arrays.toString() method returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array. The string representation consists of a list of the array's elements, enclosed in square brackets ("[]"). Adjacent elements are separated by the characters ", " (a comma followed by a space).


public static String toString(long[] a)


a Specify the array whose string representation to return.

Return Value

Returns string representation of the array.




In the example below, the java.util.Arrays.toString() method returns a string representation of the given array of longs.

import java.util.*;

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //creating an array of longs
    long Arr[] = {10, 5, 25, -5, 48};

    //convert the array into a string
    String MyStr = Arrays.toString(Arr);

    //print the string

The output of the above code will be:

[10, 5, 25, -5, 48]

❮ Java.util - Arrays