Java.lang Package Classes

Java Boolean - parseBoolean() Method

The java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean() method is used to parse the string argument as a boolean. The boolean returned represents the value true if the string argument is not null and is equal, ignoring case, to the string "true".


public static boolean parseBoolean(String s)


s Specify the String containing the boolean representation to be parsed.

Return Value

Returns the boolean represented by the string argument.




In the example below, the java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean() method is used to parse the given string argument as a boolean.

import java.lang.*;

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //creating string arguments
    String s1 = "TRUE";
    String s2 = "False";
    String s3 = "ABC";

    //creating Boolean instance
    boolean b1 = Boolean.parseBoolean(s1);
    boolean b2 = Boolean.parseBoolean(s2);
    boolean b3 = Boolean.parseBoolean(s3);

    //printing the boolean value 
    System.out.println("parsing s1 creates: " + b1);
    System.out.println("parsing s2 creates: " + b2);
    System.out.println("parsing s3 creates: " + b3);  

The output of the above code will be:

parsing s1 creates: true
parsing s2 creates: false
parsing s3 creates: false

❮ Java.lang - Boolean