Java Utility Library

Java Calendar - computeTime() Method

The java.util.Calendar.computeTime() method is used to convert the current calendar field values in fields[] to the millisecond time value time.


protected abstract void computeTime()


No parameter is required.

Return Value

void type.




In the example below, the java.util.Calendar.computeTime() method is used to convert the current calendar field values to the millisecond time value.

import java.util.*;

public class MyClass extends GregorianCalendar {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //creating a Calendar object
    MyClass Cal = new MyClass();

    //printing the current date
    System.out.println("The current date is: " + Cal.getTime());

    //set to a new year
    Cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2015);
    System.out.println("The new date is: " + Cal.getTime());

    //compute time and print date
    System.out.println("The new date is: " + Cal.getTime());

The output of the above code will be:

The current date is: Thu Sep 10 05:41:46 UTC 2020
The new date is: Thu Sep 10 05:41:46 UTC 2015
The new date is: Thu Sep 10 05:41:46 UTC 2015

❮ Java.util - Calendar