Java Utility Library

Java Calendar - internalGet() Method

The java.util.Calendar.internalGet() method returns the value of the given calendar field. This method does not involve normalization or validation of the field value.


protected final int internalGet(int field)


field Specify the given calendar field.

Return Value

Returns the value for the given calendar field.




In the example below, the java.util.Calendar.internalGet() method returns the value of the given calendar field.

import java.util.*;

public class MyClass extends GregorianCalendar {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //creating a Calendar object with specified date
    MyClass Cal = new MyClass();

    //printing the Calendar
    System.out.println("The Calendar is: " + Cal.getTime());

    //printing the value for given fields
    System.out.println("Year is: " + Cal.internalGet(YEAR));
    System.out.println("Month is: " + Cal.internalGet(MONTH));

The output of the above code will be:

The Calendar is: Sun Sep 13 12:35:57 UTC 2020
Year is: 2020
Month is: 8

❮ Java.util - Calendar