Java.lang Package Classes

Java Double - isInfinite() Method

The java.lang.Double.isInfinite() method is used to check whether this Double value is infinitely large in magnitude or not. The method returns true if this Double value is infinitely large in magnitude, false otherwise.


public boolean isInfinite()


No parameter is required.

Return Value

Returns true if the value represented by this object is positive infinity or negative infinity; false otherwise.




In the example below, the java.lang.Double.isInfinite() method is used to check whether the given Double value is infinitely large in magnitude or not.

import java.lang.*;

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //creating Double value
    Double x = 5.2;
    Double y = 1.0/0.0;
    Double z = Double.NaN;

    //checking Double values for infinite
    System.out.println("Is x infinite?: " + x.isInfinite());  
    System.out.println("Is y infinite?: " + y.isInfinite()); 
    System.out.println("Is z infinite?: " + z.isInfinite());  

The output of the above code will be:

Is x infinite?: false
Is y infinite?: true
Is z infinite?: false

❮ Java.lang - Double