PHP Function Reference

PHP stat() Function

The PHP stat() function returns information (statistics) about a file specified by filename. If filename is a symbolic link, information about the file itself is returned, not the symlink.

The results from this function will differ from server to server. The array may contain the number index, the name index, or both.

lstat() function is identical to this function except it would instead be based off the symlinks status.

Note: The results of this function are cached. Use clearstatcache() function to clear the cache.




filename Required. Specify the file path.

Return Value

In case of error, returns false, otherwise returns an array with the following elements:

0devdevice number
1inoinode number
2modeinode protection mode
3nlinknumber of links
4uiduserid of owner
5gidgroupid of owner
6rdevdevice type, if inode device
7sizesize in bytes
8atimetime of last access (Unix timestamp)
9mtimetime of last modification (Unix timestamp)
10ctimetime of last inode change (Unix timestamp)
11blksizeblocksize of filesystem IO
12blocksnumber of 512-byte blocks allocated

The value of mode contains information read by several functions. When written in octal, starting from the right, the first three digits are returned by chmod(). The next digit is ignored by PHP. The next two digits indicate the file type. For example a regular file could be 0100644 and a directory could be 0040755.

mode file types

mode in octalDescription
0100000regular file
0060000block device
0020000character device

Note: As PHP's integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB.


Upon failure, an E_WARNING is emitted.

Example: stat() example

Lets assume that we have a file called test.txt. The example below describes how to use the stat() function to get the statistics about this file.

$file = "test.txt";

//using the stat() function to
//get statistics about the file
$info = stat($file);

//displaying the statistics

The output of the above code will be:

    [0] => 2049
    [1] => 523021
    [2] => 33188
    [3] => 1
    [4] => 33
    [5] => 33
    [6] => 0
    [7] => 48
    [8] => 1633620019
    [9] => 1633620019
    [10] => 1633620019
    [11] => 4096
    [12] => 8
    [dev] => 2049
    [ino] => 523021
    [mode] => 33188
    [nlink] => 1
    [uid] => 33
    [gid] => 33
    [rdev] => 0
    [size] => 48
    [atime] => 1633620019
    [mtime] => 1633620019
    [ctime] => 1633620019
    [blksize] => 4096
    [blocks] => 8

Example: using stat() information together with touch() function

Consider one more example, where this function is used with touch() function.

$file = "test.txt";

//using the stat() function to
//get statistics about the file
$info = stat($file);

//changing the access time to 5 hours in the past
$atime = $info['atime'] + 18000;
//using touch() function to change the access time
if (touch($file, time(), $atime)) {
  echo 'Access time changed to 5 hours in the past!';
} else {
  echo 'Access time could not be changed.';

The output of the above code will be:

Access time changed to 5 hours in the past!

❮ PHP Filesystem Reference