PHP Function Reference

PHP hash_update_stream() Function

The PHP hash_update_stream() function is used to pump data into an active hashing context from an open stream.


hash_update_stream(context, stream, length)


context Required. Specify hashing context returned by hash_init().
stream Required. Specify an open file handle as returned by any stream creation function.
length Optional. Specify the maximum number of characters to copy from stream into the hashing context.

Return Value

Returns the actual number of bytes added to the hashing context from stream.

Example: hash_update_stream() example

The example below shows the usage of hash_update_stream() function.

//creating a temporary file
$fp = tmpfile();

//write some content to it
fwrite($fp, 'Hello World!');

//setting the file pointer to the start

//initializing an incremental hashing context
$ctx = hash_init('md5');

//updating context
hash_update_stream($ctx, $fp);

//finalizing an incremental hash
//and returning resulting digest
echo hash_final($ctx);

//closing the file

The output of the above code will be:


❮ PHP Hash Reference