PHP Function Reference

PHP intdiv() Function

The PHP intdiv() function is used for integer division and returns the integer quotient of the division of given dividend and divisor.

If divisor is 0, a DivisionByZeroError exception is thrown. If the dividend is PHP_INT_MIN and the divisor is -1, then an ArithmeticError exception is thrown.


intdiv(dividend, divisor)   


dividend Required. Specify the dividend.
divisor Required. Specify the divisor.

Return Value

Returns true the integer quotient of the division of given dividend and divisor.


In the example below, intdiv() function returns the integer quotient.

echo "intdiv(25, 7) = ".intdiv(25, 7)."\n";
echo "intdiv(-25, 7) = ".intdiv(-25, 7)."\n";
echo "intdiv(25, -7) = ".intdiv(25, -7)."\n";
echo "intdiv(-25, -7) = ".intdiv(-25, -7)."\n";

The output of the above code will be:

intdiv(25, 7) = 3
intdiv(-25, 7) = -3
intdiv(25, -7) = -3
intdiv(-25, -7) = 3

❮ PHP Math Reference