PHP Function Reference

PHP SimpleXMLIterator - key() Method

The PHP SimpleXMLIterator::key() method returns current key. This method gets the XML tag name of the current element.


public SimpleXMLIterator::key()


No parameter is required.

Return Value

Returns the XML tag name of the element referenced by the current SimpleXMLIterator object or false.

Example: get the current XML tag key

The example below shows the usage of SimpleXMLIterator::key() method.

$xml = <<<XML
  <To>John Smith</To>
  <From>Marry G.</From>
  <Subject>Happy Birthday</Subject>
  <body>Happy birthday. Live your life with smiles.</body>

$xmlIterator  = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);

echo var_dump($xmlIterator->key());

//rewind to the first element

echo var_dump($xmlIterator->key());

//advance to the next element

echo var_dump($xmlIterator->key());

//advance to the next element

echo var_dump($xmlIterator->key());

//advance to the next element

echo var_dump($xmlIterator->key());

The output of the above code will be:

string(2) "To"
string(4) "From"
string(7) "Subject"
string(4) "body"

❮ PHP SimpleXML Reference