PHP Function Reference

PHP streamWrapper stream_open() Method

The PHP streamWrapper::stream_open() method opens file or URL. This method is called immediately after the wrapper is initialized, for example - by fopen() and file_get_contents() functions.


public streamWrapper::stream_open(path, mode, options, opened_path)



Required. Specify the URL that was passed to the original function.

Note: The URL can be broken apart with parse_url().
mode Required. Specify the mode used to open the file, as detailed for fopen().
options Required. Holds additional flags set by the streams API. It can hold one or more of the following values OR'd together.
  • STREAM_USE_PATH - If path is relative, search for the resource using the include_path.
  • STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS - If this flag is set, then the user is responsible for raising errors using trigger_error() during opening of the stream. If this flag is not set, user should not raise any errors.
opened_path Required. If the path is opened successfully, and STREAM_USE_PATH is set in options, opened_path should be set to the full path of the file/resource that was actually opened.

Return Value

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Emits E_WARNING if call to this method fails (i.e. not implemented).

Note: The streamWrapper::$context property is updated if a valid context is passed to the caller function.

❮ PHP Streams Reference