PHP Function Reference

PHP streamWrapper class

The PHP streamWrapper class allows user-defined protocol handlers and streams for use with all the other filesystem functions (such as fopen(), fread() etc.). An instance of this class is initialized as soon as a stream function tries to access the protocol it is associated with.

Class synopsis

class streamWrapper {
  public resource $context;

  public __construct()
  public __destruct()
  public dir_closedir(): bool
  public dir_opendir(string $path, int $options): bool
  public dir_readdir(): string
  public dir_rewinddir(): bool
  public mkdir(string $path, int $mode, int $options): bool
  public rename(string $path_from, string $path_to): bool
  public rmdir(string $path, int $options): bool
  public stream_cast(int $cast_as): resource
  public stream_close(): void
  public stream_eof(): bool
  public stream_flush(): bool
  public stream_lock(int $operation): bool
  public stream_metadata(string $path, int $option, mixed $value): bool
  public stream_open(
      string $path,
      string $mode,
      int $options,
      ?string &$opened_path
  ): bool
  public stream_read(int $count): string
  public stream_seek(int $offset, int $whence = SEEK_SET): bool
  public stream_set_option(int $option, int $arg1, int $arg2): bool
  public stream_stat(): array|false
  public stream_tell(): int
  public stream_truncate(int $new_size): bool
  public stream_write(string $data): int
  public unlink(string $path): bool
  public url_stat(string $path, int $flags): array|false


context The current context, or null if no context was passed to the caller function. Use the stream_context_get_options() to parse the context.

Note: This property must be public so PHP can populate it with the actual context resource.

❮ PHP Streams Reference