SQL Tutorial SQL Advanced SQL Database SQL References

MySQL CEIL() Function

The MySQL CEIL() function returns the next highest integer value by rounding up the specified number, if necessary. In other words, it rounds the fraction UP of the given number.

The CEIL() function is a synonym for the CEILING() function.




x Required. Specify a number.

Return Value

Returns the next highest integer value by rounding UP the specified number, if necessary.

Example 1:

The example below shows the usage of CEIL() function.

mysql> SELECT CEIL(23);
Result: 23

mysql> SELECT CEIL(23.3);
Result: 24

mysql> SELECT CEIL(23.8);
Result: 24

mysql> SELECT CEIL(-23);
Result: -23

mysql> SELECT CEIL(-23.3);
Result: -23

mysql> SELECT CEIL(-23.8);
Result: -23

Example 2:

Consider a database table called Sample with the following records:

Data 1-10.75
Data 2-5.38
Data 30.98
Data 413.16
Data 548.13

The statement given below can be used to round the fraction UP for all records of column x.

SELECT *, CEIL(x) AS CEIL_Value FROM Sample;

This will produce the result as shown below:

Data 1-10.75-10
Data 2-5.38-5
Data 30.981
Data 413.1614
Data 548.1349

❮ MySQL Functions