C# Tutorial C# Advanced C# References

C# Math - BigMul() Method

The C# BigMul() method returns full product of two 32 bit numbers.


public static long BigMul (int x, int y);


x Specify first value to multiply.
y Specify second value to multiply.

Return Value

Returns full product of two 32 bit numbers.


In the example below, BigMul() method returns full product of two 32 bit numbers.

using System;

class MyProgram {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
    Console.WriteLine("Math.BigMul(2255, 33897) = "
                      + Math.BigMul(2255, 33897));
    Console.WriteLine("Math.BigMul(-2256, 54567) = "
                      + Math.BigMul(-2256, 54567));
    Console.WriteLine("Math.BigMul(2123, 35688) = "
                      + Math.BigMul(2123, 35688));

The output of the above code will be:

Math.BigMul(2255, 33897) = 76437735
Math.BigMul(-2256, 54567) = -123103152
Math.BigMul(2123, 35688) = 75765624

❮ C# Math Methods