MySQLi Tutorial MySQLi References

MySQLi - Get Last ID

The PHP mysqli_insert_id() function can be used to get the ID generated by an INSERT or UPDATE statements on a table with a column having the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute. In the case of a multiple-row INSERT statement, it returns the first automatically generated value that was successfully inserted.

Get Last ID - Object-oriented style

Consider a table called Employee which contains four columns: EmpID, Name, City, and Salary. The EmpID column of this table is an AUTO_INCREMENT field.

  City VARCHAR(100),
  Salary DECIMAL(18,2)

Assuming that the table contain no records at present. The example below demonstrates how to get the last id after performing insert operation using object-oriented style.

//establishing connection to the database
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "user", "password", "database");
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: ". $mysqli->connect_error;

//inserting first record
$query = "INSERT INTO Employee (Name, City, Salary) VALUES ('John', 'London', 2800)";

//getting the last insert id
printf("New record has ID %d.\n", $mysqli->insert_id);

//inserting two records
$query = "INSERT INTO Employee (Name, City, Salary) VALUES ('Marry', 'Paris', 2750)";
$query = "INSERT INTO Employee (Name, City, Salary) VALUES ('Jo', 'Amsterdam', 2900)";

//getting the last insert id
printf("New record has ID %d.\n", $mysqli->insert_id);

//closing the connection

The output of the above code will be:

New record has ID 1.
New record has ID 3.

Get Last ID - Procedural style

The same can be achieved using procedural style with following script:

//establishing connection to the database
$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost", "user", "password", "database");
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: ". mysqli_connect_error();

//inserting first record
$query = "INSERT INTO Employee (Name, City, Salary) VALUES ('John', 'London', 2800)";
mysqli_query($mysqli, $query);

//getting the last insert id
printf("New record has ID %d.\n", mysqli_insert_id($mysqli));

//inserting two records
$query = "INSERT INTO Employee (Name, City, Salary) VALUES ('Marry', 'Paris', 2750)";
mysqli_query($mysqli, $query);
$query = "INSERT INTO Employee (Name, City, Salary) VALUES ('Jo', 'Amsterdam', 2900)";
mysqli_query($mysqli, $query);

//getting the last insert id
printf("New record has ID %d.\n", mysqli_insert_id($mysqli));

//closing the connection

The output of the above code will be:

New record has ID 1.
New record has ID 3.

Complete MySQLi Reference

For a complete reference of all properties, methods and functions of PHP MySQLi extension, see MySQLi Reference.