Python Examples

Python Program - Check whether a Number is Palindrome or not

A number is known as a Palindrome number if the reverse of the number is same as the number. For example, 121 is a palindrome number, but 123 is not a palindrome number.

Example: Check Palindrome Number

In the example below, the number called MyNum is checked for palindrome number. The MyNum is first stored in a variable called Num. A while loop is used on this variable to perform following operations:

  • last digit of the Num variable is estimated using Num % 10 and stored in digit variable.
  • reverse number is built using revNum * 10 + digit.
  • last digit is removed from Num variable using Num // 10.

Finally, MyNum is compared with revNum to check whether the number is palindrome or not.

def Palindrome(MyNum):
  revNum = 0
  Num = MyNum
  while(Num > 0):
    digit = Num % 10
    revNum = revNum * 10 + digit
    Num = Num // 10
  if MyNum == revNum:
    print(MyNum, "is a Palindrome number.")
    print(MyNum, "is not a Palindrome number.")


The above code will give the following output:

12521 is a Palindrome number.
9779 is a Palindrome number.
1000 is not a Palindrome number.