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R - exp() Function

The R exp() function returns e raised to the power of specified number, i.e., ex. Please note that e is the base of the natural system of logarithms, and its value is approximately 2.718282. In special cases it returns the following:

  • If the argument is NaN, the result is NaN.
  • If the argument is positive infinity, then the result is positive infinity.
  • If the argument is negative infinity, then the result is positive zero.




x Required. Specify column to compute on.

Return Value

Returns e raised to the power of specified number.


In the example below, exp() function is used to calculate e raised to the power of specified number.

#operating on single element atomic vector

cat("\nOperating on vector\n")
#operating on vector
v <- c(4, 5, 6)

cat("\nOperating on matrix\n")
#operating on matrix
m <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, Inf, NaN), nrow=2)

cat("\nOperating on first column of matrix\n")
#operating on first column of matrix

The output of the above code will be:

[1] 1
[1] 1.648721
[1] 2.718282

Operating on vector
[1]  54.59815 148.41316 403.42879

Operating on matrix
         [,1]     [,2] [,3]
[1,] 2.718282 20.08554  Inf
[2,] 7.389056 54.59815  NaN

Operating on first column of matrix
[1] 2.718282 7.389056

❮ R Math Functions